Connecting UNITA

Comprised of five work packages and led by the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), the main objetive of this project is to devise and develop the so-called Time-Spatial-Linguistic Teaching and Learning Travel Machine platform for Connecting UNITA.

This is a collaborative platform and methodology for innovation in Teaching and Learning, to cope with grographical, linguistic, temporal and social distancing.

Each representative and their respective teams from each University in the UNITA alliance work in cooperation with each other to achieve this goal.

Expected Outcomes

Apart from initial specifications, no concrete outputs were achieved yet. Nonetheless, the main expected outcomes of this project include:

  • Providing an Integration Teaching and Learning Platform as a Service (ITLPaaS), which will ease the collaboration of the teachers and students;
  • A methodology and pedagogic design based on Education 4.0 approach, i.e., Time-Spatial-Linguistic Teaching and Learning Travel Machine;
  • Connect-UNITA teaching and learning transformation courses production, i.e., support to adopt the TSL-TL Travel Machine methodology and transform/prepare courses allowing linguistic and spatial travelling.

Our Project Results

There are some of the projects currently being developed by CONNECT-UNITA. The following project results were presented in detail in the latest UNITA reunion in Zaragoza.

Project Result 1

Integration Teaching and Learning Platform as a Service (ITLPaas)

Needs of integration of learning management systems and learning spaces of students and teachers of UNITA alliance institutions and future associated partners.

This Integration platform should offer services for:

  • synchronous and asynchronous access monitoring and analytics
  • geographical distribution of content
  • translation support

Project Result 2

Time-Spatial-Linguistic Teaching and Learning Travel Machine
(TSL-TL Travel Machine)

Needs for a unified framework (Travel Machine) to guide teachers
in the digital and pedagogical transformation in the creation or
adaptation of learning resources and activities.

This Integration platform should offer services for:

  • synchronous and asynchronous access monitoring and analytics
  • geographical distribution of content
  • translation support

PR 2 : Connect-UNITA Travel Machine

Project Result 3

Teaching and learning courses production (COIL)

Needs for supporting the co-design and co-production of learning
resources and activities, integrating Time-Spatial-Linguistic

Results of the production will allow the creation of a living International Teaching and Learning Lab for teachers and students of the UNITA alliance, as well as for the international community.